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Lead Teacher for the Post-16 Sensory Support Team, SEN Support Services

Please Note: The application deadline for this job has now passed.

Job Introduction

Do you have the skills and passion to make a difference to the learning experience of children and young people with special educational needs? 

We would love you to join us!


About us

The Post-16 Sensory Support team is one of a number of teams within the Sensory, Physical Disabilities and Complex Needs Service; part of Oxfordshire’s well established, centrally funded SEN Support Services (SENSS). We are a small team (including communication support workers and specialist teaching assistants) and offer countywide teaching and advisory support to young people with deafness* or vision impairment studying in colleges of further education (FE) in Oxfordshire.

*The terms deaf/deafness refer to all levels and types of hearing loss

We work closely with colleagues in the SENSS Deaf and Hearing Support, Vision Impairment and Multi-Sensory teams, providing part of the continuum of support.


About the role

The role is due to start 22 April 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. It offers an opportunity to lead team a small team within SEND services and to strengthen further the reputation of SENSS for providing high quality specialist advice and support across the county, built on strong interagency professional relationships within education and beyond.

There are opportunities going forward to shape the team and provision for Post-16 students with deafness or vision impairment; to strengthen transition from school to college, to support preparation for adulthood, and to contribute to wider SEND developments.

Depending on numbers of students with deafness or vision impairment at any given time, the role is likely to include work in schools as well as working with students in FE.


About you

A skilled, innovative, and highly motivated teacher of deaf children and young people (ToD), teacher of vision impaired children and young people (TVI), or teacher of multi-sensory impaired children and young people (TMSI), you’ll have experience of successful partnership working with children and young people across different age groups, including at Post-16, and with families, schools, colleges, and other agencies.  

You will use your highly effective communication skills and management abilities to lead your team. 

You’ll be resilient, have a positive ‘can do’ attitude and the ability to think strategically and plan creatively. 

You will be passionate about inclusion and have high aspirations for children and young people. Your ability to analyse and formatively use assessment data to drive improvements in outcomes for children and young people with deafness or vision impairment would be an advantage.

You’ll be required to fulfil any travel requirements of the role.


Rewards and benefits

This role is offered on Teachers Pay and Condition main or upper pay scale with SEN allowance and TLR2(1) responsibility point.  It is expected that a teacher applying for this role will have at least 4 years teaching experience and be on at least Main Pay Scale point 5.

We are open to discussions about flexible working.


Would you like to know more?

For an informal discussion about the role please contact the Specialist Manager for SENSS Sensory, Physical and Complex Needs Service, Tonia Harris on or 07584 909522.

Our commitment to:
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At Oxfordshire County Council we are proud of our diverse workforce. Everyone is accepted for who they are, regardless of age, disability, gender identity, marital status, race, faith or belief, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, or on maternity or family leave. We have a number of staff network groups which provide peer support, education and safe spaces for all.

Our commitment to:
Guaranteed Interview Schemes

As a Disability Confident employer, we guarantee an interview for disabled applicants who meet the essential criteria for the job. We also guarantee interviews to care leavers who have completed further education and who meet the essential criteria for the job. For those leaving care without any further education, we guarantee an interview for our apprenticeships. We are also committed to helping and supporting those transitioning from HM Armed Forces to civilian life and guarantee an interview for those demonstrating the essential criteria for the role, within three years of leaving the service.

Our commitment to:

Oxfordshire County Council are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. We expect all employees, workers and volunteers to share this commitment. We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect these commitments.

Our commitment to:
Flexible Working

We are open to discussions about flexible working, which can include flexi-time, full time and part time working, job sharing, nine-day fortnights and annualised hours, depending on the requirements of the role and the service.

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